Department of Philosophy
320 Emerson Hall, Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138
(617) 495-3970
Full CV and Research Interests.
- On the Question of Absolute Undecidability, Philosophia Mathematica, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2006, pp. 153-188.
[Revised and reprinted with a new postscript in Kurt Gödel: Essays for his Centennial, edited by Solomon Feferman, Charles Parsons, and Stephen G. Simpson. Lecture Notes in Logic, 33. Association of Symbolic Logic, 2009.] - On Reflection Principles, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Vol. 157, Nos. 2-3, 2009, pp. 206-219.
[Special volume containing the winning essays for the Kurt Gödel Centenary Research Prize Fellowships.] - Incompatible Ω-Complete Theories (with Hugh Woodin), Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 74, No. 4, December 2009, pp. 1155-1170.
- Truth in Mathematics: The Question of Pluralism, New Waves in Philosophy of Mathematics, Edited by Otávio Bueno and Øystein Linnebo, 2009, pp. 80-116.
- Strong Logics of First and Second Order, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 16, Issue 1, March 2010, pp. 1-36.
- Large Cardinals from Determinacy (with Hugh Woodin), Handbook of Set Theory, edited by Matthew Foreman and Akihiro Kanamori, 2010.
Encyclopedia Articles
- Independence and Large Cardinals, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2010.
- Large Cardinals and Determinacy, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. [To appear.]
- The Continuum Hypothesis, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. [In preparation.]
Preprints and Book Drafts
- Carnap on the Foundations of Mathematics
- Independence in Arithmetic and Set Theory
- Incompleteness and the Limits of Mechanism
- Russell on the Foundations of Logic and Mathematics
- Foundations of Set Theory: The Search for New Axioms (with Hugh Woodin).
Review of The Cambridge Companion to Bertrand Russell, in Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, January 2005.
Courses Taught at Harvard
- Set Theory (Phil 143, Fall 2003)
- Set Theory: Large Cardinals from Determinacy (Math 242, Fall 2004)
- Set Theory: Inner Model Theory (Math 244, Spring 2008)
- Set Theory: The Higher Infinite (Phil 142, Fall 2010)
- Set Theory: Exploring the Frontiers of Incompleteness (Phil 142, Spring 2011 (part 1), Fall 2011 (part 2), Spring 2012 (part 3))
- Foundational Aspects of Set Theory (Phil 243w, Spring 2007)
- Deductive Logic (QR 22, Fall 2006, Fall 2007, Fall 2009)
- Empirical and Mathematical Reasoning (EMR 17, Fall 2010)
- Logic and Philosophy (Phil 144, Spring 2004)
- Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics (Phil 143Y, Spring 2004)
- Intermediate Logic: Introduction to Model Theory (Proseminar, Phil 142z, Spring 2008)
- Topics in the Philosophy of Mathematics (Seminar, Phil 248, Fall 2009)
- Foundations of Space-Time Theories (Phil 150, Fall 2003, Fall 2006)
- Determinism and Quantum Mechanics (Phil 151, Fall 2004)
- Realism (Tutorial, Spring 2007)
- The Scientific Revolution (Tutorial, Spring 2006)
- Philosophy and the Exact Sciences: Aristotle to Newton (Phil 149y, Spring 2010, Fall 2011)